Friday, August 13, 2010

good idea gone bad

day before,
This will be the best prank in school history. My name will go down as the man who broke away from all the hacneved pranks, and ran on his own wild adventure. I have planned it all out and will expail in didactly. I will run through the lunch room NAKED, and so as to be sure I am not cohesive, I will grease up. Kinda like the deaf guy in Family Guy. Good plan so far right? I'll run them into a corner and then out the back door to my escape. The new SRO officer is new and wont recognize me at all. This act will be so poignant and and stand out in peoples minds foever. Wish me luck.
day after
Well all was good but I didn't count on the tazers. Now I get to spend the night in jail. however I will be back with a more convaluted plan. Next time I will have a rapport friend along. I may even get an adage to see how I could avoid capture. Then when they all praise me for this prank I will have a florid speech prepared. I'll make this seem so cogent and good not like something I just made up. Time for round two.


  1. I forgot to add my thing about effusive but it's uncontrolled emotions.
