Friday, August 6, 2010

This is me no, it is, no im kidding its me

I like to think of myself as a pretty cool likeable funny guy. A few things you should know about me are.
I love the Duke Blue Devills.
I run xc and I think its a ton of fun.
I plan to attend Duke.
I run my life around my storts I don't know what i would do if i didnt have them.
I do pretty good in school.
History is my favorite and I hate math with a passion.
I spend lots of time with my friends and I wrestle sharks in my spare time.
I jump off cliffs to give me the advantage of suprise on the sharks they never see me comeing.
I am a arsonist but if i get an A i wont burn your house down. ha
I enjoy mid air bike rideing and hanging out with girls.
One expierience that i would love to have is skydiveing without a parachute and being caught by my partner and being able to say i jumped out of a plane with no parachute and made it.


  1. my husband's name is Pyro and he worked for Duke for many years . . . and i can assure you, there are no sharks in Durham.
